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About Koala

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  1. This was the only way to kill someone in the bath salt meta, I remember being in our voice calls and the second someone called "X is tazed" you ran over to X and blasted them with your XM. Meta was not fun, pls don't do it again. I don't agree with reverting the change because you found a bypass with the meta but I think a change in how milk works is necessary, or bringing in a viable alternative.
  2. penguin shouted at me over multiple days regarding the rules please be nice... i'm already traumatised
  3. you should make it like when you added the new taser and do this for the people who were toxic about the update
  4. Hold right click and it stays open
  5. I won't tell you, but you will be upset when you log on
  6. This already exists
  7. new = good use website to figure out when it is in your time
  8. Buy printer shipments, stick them in the printer shipments and run them out the base, if you designate certain people to take the ships, and your best pvpers to keep them off those carrying it, you'll be fine
  9. big update loving all the stuff you've done here
  10. Would love the ability to split up this notification. I want to get notifications if I'm mentioned in topics however not when people react to my posts
  11. new class is a huge W
  12. This update looks sick! Loving the consistent updates 🙂
  13. Loving the consistent updates! All this new stuff looks amazing 🙂
  14. yeah but can you support his csgo team first? they're really close to getting through to the next round and your vote could make the difference @TylerK7
  15. @TylerK7 can you support my csgo team? 1 more vote and we go to the finals!
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