ExcellentAbout JeffChase
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You always got hit with multiple ticks per strike. That's existed ever since it was added to the server. Nothing directly caused by any knockback changes.
Time to hit the gym, then.
That's what bug reports and suggestions are for.
Seems like you should be posting in the bug report and suggestion section, rather than the update thread.
Server one has not restarted for those additions.
Nothing to be done about it. Thats beneficial, anyway.
Its downloaded when you connect.
ye gl with those 50mb shitpile of repeat textures!
@Scott Do we have commands yet for the CG logs in-character or it is all still just in the making?
Props and a couple of event related models.
can this just be specified to "damaged you first". We really don't need the plethera of bullshit sits that get called because "so and so shot AT me first, but I'm so good I HIT him first." We've gone so long without this issue 99% of the time until now.