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About TheArrivedHussars

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  1. Another quality update from the main man himself, Scott
  2. Curious if CRs being CT blue is a bug or a feature, since I can’t find any mention of it on the Trello (I could be blind, who knows)
  3. Now I’m curious if Naval get more damage from headshots since they lack armor. Oh boy what fun that would be during wargames
  4. Scott, do the Naval models have the same hit boxes like everyone else? Only ask since the naval default model is missing a skeleton
  5. Is it possible you can remove the Ammo hud from stimkit next reset. Because it makes the stimkit even more horrible than it is right now
  6. Pulled a sneaky on us
  7. I have been quoted by Scott! I can now die a happy man!
  8. Scott I’m waiting for a hotfix for Naval Bluecoat textures. Half the time I notice they’re broken while the other half of the time they’re not online
  9. :POGGERS:
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