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About Got-Knifed!

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    Multi-Millionaire Status as of 7/1/2024

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  1. The ability to trigger crossbows, slams, grenades, and rpgs appears to be broken unless that was by design.
  2. The update I've been waiting for
  3. I suggested sauce to 🐧 and that probably got the ball rolling. Promoting others before myself brings me happiness especially when they're genuinely nice people. I'm very excited for @Trythesauce
  4. Fucking yes!!!!!! @Trythesauce @aStonedPenguin
  5. Nice, I can role play as a NYC chess hustler.
  6. link me to this kid, i bet he has other good shit I can use for my soundboard.
  7. Congrats buddy!! Where we celebrating!?
  8. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  9. good clean update!
  10. Can you make it so cops can arrest the pepper spray singles and shipments because they are bmi? Also, i can't delete singles of pepper spray with admin remover tool.
  11. Good shit but that sawed off shotgun looks ugly AF. Change that shit dawg
  12. You sir are amazing. It's fixed! It appears the prestigable counters were reset to fix this? I completed Purchase 100 Merchant shipments and it's not showing as prestige which is fine if that's what it took to correct this. In this image, it does show one task as prestige but the counter doesn't reflect that, it still says 0/200.
  13. Everytime I do something that involves an already completed achievement, it removes it as completed. so now I went from 74 to 56 completed achievements lol
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