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2/3/2018 - DarkRP Update


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Smashy do you have some not so hidden tension here?

back when I gave a fuck about raiding, I used to spend millions on C4 solo'ing whole org bases, because everyone would abuse the combine bookshelf garbage

this update is actually really fucking good, places all props on an equal playing field.

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back when I gave a fuck about raiding, I used to spend millions on C4 solo'ing whole org bases, because everyone would abuse the combine bookshelf garbage

this update is actually really fucking good, places all props on an equal playing field.

Ok makes sense xD
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So does welding still make props more durable against c4?

It never did, it always has and still does remove all welds when its unfrozen.

What do you mean by a simple wall???

The chance of it deleting a teddy bear prop or a combine prop is the same depending on how close to center/distance you place the c4
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Okay but what about shelves???


The chance of it deleting a teddy bear prop or a combine prop is the same depending on how close to center/distance you place the c4

^^ Also applies for shelves, I guess?
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