Veridian Phantom Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Why is it getting changed Senpai Veridian-san? Because DB should be kept IC, and it has devolved into an OOC meme generator which lasts WAY too damn long. Majority go AFK as it is, these changes will keep it IC and shorten it. Debrief will now be structured like so: Opening (salute and sit down) - Naval PTS (1 Naval)/CO PTS/Jedi PTS (1 Jedi) - Promotions (any at all) - Closing Remarks and GM PTS. "New Rule": This is in quotes because of Rule #13 in our rulebook. DB is no longer an OOC meme-fest, therefore any "man when the GM spawned like 14 droids on top of us that sucked!" is not allowed. Remain IC. New Rule #2: Once DB is called, no battalions may do promotions/loiter in DB during the GM's PTS time. Opening: Naval enter DB as soon as they arrive, and stand where they are supposed to. The Naval hosting DB will stand at the podium awaiting the majority of clones to enter and get started, any late arrivals don't matter as long as majority are there. NAVAL THEN GIVE A DEBRIEF OF THE MISSION (what went down, GM's will then relay the information to the Naval to explain IN CHARACTER summarizing the event and results of the mission). Naval/CO/Jedi PTS: Happen all at once, all those who will be speaking for PTS go up at the same time and line up in the usual spot. 1 per battalion (including Naval and Jedi). Promotions: Any at all means Naval, Jedi, and CO's all go up at the same time and do their promotions that way. No need for intervals. Closing Remarks: Tip of the day (optional), and then the Naval will say something like this: "If you wish to speak to the GM or talk OOC'ly about the event, you may do so here, the rest of you are dismissed." GM PTS then happens (optional to attend). Basically Closing Remarks becomes the non-mandatory part of DB in which the GM can rant/rave about his event with others OOC'ly while in the room and can accept feedback from others. SENATORS HAVE PERMISSION AT ANY TIME TO INTERJECT IN DB AS THEY ARE THE HIGHEST POWER IN THE REPUBLIC. If they wanna talk during PTS time they can, however should/hopefully will wait for the current person to finish their PTS.
Mei Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Always a fan of straying more towards serious roleplay and this seems to be a part of that, ty dad
Russell Winston Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Last, debrief that took too long we just did a private one in bunks.
Adin Athen Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Sounds good to me. A step towards more serious roleplay.
SkyGhost Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Love the change, a good step towards making the sever more serious (in terms of RP).
4head Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 This is a great Idea, but i guess ill be the first Negative Nancy 1: Having EVERYONE come up for PTS with Naval, jedi, CO's (Having Jedi only have ONE person go up for PTS is kinda ehh....i don't see an issue with this, but what will happen is that multiple jedi do many different things on the ship, for instance, the lore characters are with there battalions most of the time, and even other NON attached jedi are doing other things across the ship, the jedi are EVERYWHERE, so it is understandable if most jedi need to say something on multiple different things, if not then what WILL happen is the jedi will choose there ERRAND BOY to hold all the PTS's of every other jedi to say on the stage, which would make no difference with just having them go up there for there own pts) Having the PTS for EVERYONE At the same time is amazing! down right fantastic! but i still say the jedi Single Pts is ehh (at least make it something like 3 people....more then just ONE, 3 would be perfect)] %(#00ff33)[+1 on Three Jedi PTS 2: All promotions done together is awesome and perfectly fine, no issues here what so ever. 3: Technically "Tip of the Day" Was a meme, this wasn't made to be IN CHARACTER, this was an OOC thing. Its fine though i guess, since after the promotions the debrief turns back to OOC for the (Talk to GM) 4: Having the People stay who want to +1 or -1 (basicly talk to the GM about the event) is actually pretty good, it lets others stay to say anything they want about the event, they can talk to the GM on questions and answeres and such BIG +1 Other Then that, i love this! i Approve and hope this does change, it will make Debrief's 50% faster, or maybe even more! +1 Also can we stop with the so Called PTS wouldn't be IN character if a naval said something like "You have 30 seconds for your PTS" Just saying LeL.
Veridian Phantom Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 QuoteAlso can we stop with the so Called PTS wouldn't be IN character if a naval said something like "You have 30 seconds for your PTS" Just saying LeL. There is no time limit to a PTS but if the person is just rambling and not saying anything important after a small bit of time has passed then we can tell them to wrap it up.
Krispy Kreme Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 The GM PTS shouldn't be the last thing because they took there time to make a event for everyone. Because i was there for the first DB change and no one stayed after to listen which i kinda took that in a disrespectful way only because no one care about the time they put in to make a event so everyone would have fun (i was on my naval at the time). so -1 to GM PTS being after
Mercy Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Quote(at least make it something like 3 people....more then just ONE, 3 would be perfect) +1 on Three Jedi PTS This can be considered when the Jedi Learn (Along with everyone else) That PTS isnt for you to go up there and say "Oh I liked the event" or "I played ______ in this event" or "shoutouts to ____ _____ and _____". Only 1 or 2 Jedi at most actually had something productive to say that wasnt saying they liked the event and shoutouts. So I disagree with you on more than 1.
4head Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Quote This can be considered when the Jedi Learn (Along with everyone else) That PTS isnt for you to go up there and say "Oh I liked the event" or "I played ______ in this event" or "shoutouts to ____ _____ and _____". Only 1 or 2 Jedi at most actually had something productive to say that wasnt saying they liked the event and shoutouts. So I disagree with you on more than 1. We could just add that as a rule then, make it where people can't say things like ( I enjoyed this event ) (was Fun event) ect.
Eric Pink Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Quote We could just add that as a rule then, make it where people can't say things like ( I enjoyed this event ) (was Fun event) ect. Jedi mostly roam the ship, they all have there own interactions during events. Having one Jedi go up is kinda difficult, they will argue over who's going up, and the there comes people pulling ranks saying "oh I'm guardian III and your guardian II and such. There could be limitations to what they could say, and talk about but I agree on 3 Jedi for PTS.
JeffChase Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Quote Jedi mostly roam the ship, they all have there own interactions during events. Having one Jedi go up is kinda difficult, they will argue over who's going up, and the there comes people pulling ranks saying "oh I'm guardian III and your guardian II and such. There could be limitations to what they could say, and talk about but I agree on 3 Jedi for PTS. Then that's when a master steps in and decides or does the pts. Highest rank makes that call at that point anyway. No different than CO pts, one per battalion and Jedi are just one battalion. Unless it was a specific event where Jedi were in a completely different place to all the clones, someone else was there and would have mentioned whatever they would anyway.
AlphaPenguin Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 I completely love this and I'm extremely happy that DB has changed. With the Jedi PTS, the highest ranking Jedi should just ask in group chat: "I'm going to go up for a PTS, if you want me to say something please PM me". There is no need for more then 1 Jedi PTS. Huge +support!
Onii-Chan Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 so now people dont actually have to listen to the person who is putting at sometimes 3 hours of work on a event how lovely just fuck over Game Masters. who put so much effort into their event.
Valdis Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Quote so now people dont actually have to listen to the person who is putting at sometimes 3 hours of work on a event how lovely just fuck over Game Masters. who put so much effort into their event. They have a PTS at the end that is not mandotry. If people want to know what the event is about, they can stay after and listen. This is for more serious IC things. Not some guy going up there saying "I spawned lots of droids in MHB to give you guys more action"
Onii-Chan Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Quote They have a PTS at the end that is not mandotry. If people want to know what the event is about, they can stay after and listen. This is for more serious IC things. Not some guy going up there saying "I spawned lots of droids in MHB to give you guys more action" Valdis you dont even know how much effort some game masters put in to their events its not a simply oh here is a few droids in MHB. They don''t have a PTS they have general chat about the event which i can guarantee that no one will stay and give 2 shits about what the game master have to say because they would rather get to bunks and get a promo or go minge about the ship. And if we are getting really serious on the server dont let naval be allowed on server 2 events unless defcon 1 due to WTF is naval on a planet they are in control of the ship nothing more.
Valdis Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 I do know how much work GM's put in. I was once a GM and i think you're wrong. Some people will stay after to listen to the GM. The main point of this change is that DB would take way too long and it was just a giant meme fest. We are a serious RP server. We can't let DB just be a giant meme. It looks bad.
Onii-Chan Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 QuoteI do know how much work GM's put in. I was once a GM and i think you're wrong. Some people will stay after to listen to the GM. The main point of this change is that DB would take way too long and it was just a giant meme fest. We are a serious RP server. We can't let DB just be a giant meme. It looks bad. Longest part of DB is when naval call DB to when they say sit down remove that and bring back GM PTS
Vertigo Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Sounds good to me. Glad Debrief is getting a more serious role on the server, as it once was. Vertigo
Lewis Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 Seems much better but i think the may be a issue with gamemaster relaying info to the naval idk i just think that will cause more confusion that its worth
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