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11/29/2018 - SSRP CW Update


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  • Added crosshair to weapons when aimed while in third person.
  • Added training saber to all Jedi loadouts.
  • Added numbers to Saber abilities.
  • Added Saber crosshair.
  • Added Saber brightness setting to F4 menu.
  • Added baton to HG.
  • Updated Saber thirdperson to now use the adjustable thirdperson if its enabled.
  • Updated Master Dual Saber now has 200 force power. Was 150 which was incorrect.
  • Updated credit description of VIP.
  • Updated dual sabers to use the same targetting system as the single sabers.
  • Updated meditate to be way more effecient.
  • Updated AdvDupe 2 codec to allow newer shit. Might have broke all your older dupes. You can ban the people who whined for this to be a thing IDC.
  • Updated meditate to give a small group heal every 3 seconds. 50HP within 100 units (about 1 metre).
  • Updated compass to be more effecient.
    • Also shows where you are looking rather than where your body is facing (should appear to move way smoother).
    • Will now work with any vehicle correctly.
  • Fixed heal sources not being increased when the healing effects talent is enabled.
  • Fixed several exploits with meditation.
  • Fixed being unable to noclip while the Saber is equipped.
  • Fixed /me being weird.
  • Fixed /roll.
  • Fixed jail UI erroring when near a jailed player.
  • Fixed 3 battalions having Lore class instead of Librarian class.
  • Fixed emplacements erroring when over a player owned entity.
  • Fixed cosmetic consumables not being removed from inventory once used. (Crystals and Hilts)
  • Fixed battalion notes using the wrong netmessage id.
  • Fixed jedi classes starting when they should be disabled. (>_>)
  • Fixed LAAT errors
  • Fixed speeder speed boosts
  • Fixed speeder speed hud being offset wrongly.
  • Fixed being able to enter vehicles when they are blown up.
  • Removed baton from the Q menu.
  • Removed the PK class.
  • Removed AOE Heal XP from Group Heal.
  • Agree 2
  • Winner 3
  • Informative 1
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I hope that at some point whatever changes that were made to saber knockback are relooked at. It was unpredictable enough before without the current issues of getting stuck in one or getting hit for more than two ticks on a single strike

  • Artistic 1
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39 minutes ago, Yaggoth said:

I hope that at some point whatever changes that were made to saber knockback are relooked at. It was unpredictable enough before without the current issues of getting stuck in one or getting hit for more than two ticks on a single strike

You always got hit with multiple ticks per strike. That's existed ever since it was added to the server. Nothing directly caused by any knockback changes.

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